Monday, August 15, 2011


So mason was finally able to come home on Sunday, August 7th. The last week I had such a hard time even being at the hospital because it gave me so much anxiety. Driving to the hospital on Sunday I was so sick to my stomach and nervous that when we got there they would tell us he needed to stay longer. I didn't think mentally or emotionally i could handle it. Luckily that didn't happen and so now we are HOME! It is so nice to be home! Our kids are beyond thrown off by all of this, but it has been very therapudic being home.

Since being home Mason has been doing really well. He had a monitor on him which goes off (crazy loud) if he either hasn't taken a breath for over 20 seconds or if his heart rate drops below 70. There is no way I would have dared bring him home without it! I wouldn't get an ounce of sleep because I'd be watching him breathe all night. Our girls are loving him and I've been especially surprised by Emma, she just loves watching him and has been my biggest helper!

So Mason was discharged weighing 6 lbs and today weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. I took him to the doctor and let them do the dumbest thing, some immunizations. What in the world was I thinking? I'm so mad! I told her I didn't want to do them all at once, so they did 3 instead of 5. He is so little! I think immunizations are so difficult to decide how to do them (or whether not to). I know we have them for a reason and that the diseases we are preventing against were terrible, but why should I have the same dose for my little baby than a big healthy baby? Anyway, he has been miserable today and has had some drops in his heart rate and breathing. Now I am back to being a mess worrying about him. I'm just really mad at myself for not thinking this through better and just trusting the doctor. What was I thinking????


Jill said...

Hey Lindsey I have been following your blog. I am so happy to see that Mason has come home. I have lots of information about immunizations and the extreme dangers they are for babies, most especially premies. The doctor was out of their mind for letting him have them. His immune system is not strong enough for them,let alone what his little body has gone through in his short life. If you have questions feel free to check out my blog or find me on fb. I have lots of information regarding them. I know its so controversial but its really worth looking into more.

The Gardner's said...

Yay for being altogether! So happy for you! I was worried about immunizations with Brinnlie too. It took her a couple days to 'get over' them, but in the long run, I'd rather have her protected from those nasty diseases than not. It's amazing how strong these little ones are, sure they've been through alot and their immune systems are not 'where they should be'. But, that's how they'll be for a while until they catch up, maybe years if ever, down the road...who knows who or what they'll come in contact with? Brinnlie received the monthly RSV shots this past season, and I truly beleive that if she hadn't, she wouldn't be here with us. I know of 2 little ones, not preemies even, that didn't make it. I know it's a controversial subject, but, don't beat yourself up about it. Mason's a tough little guy! Glad he's home!

Shane and Michelle said...

I am glad your sweet precious little guy is doing good. It's so hard to know what to do sometimes. I think you are right on in your feelings about what to do about immunizations. They are so important for the kids but maybe not on the schedule that is recommended.

Kedrick & Kori said...

I am so glad that your baby is home and you can try to figure out your new way of life. It's funny how I haven't seen you in so long but I still worry, care, and pray for you and your cute family. Good luck with all of these new adventures and challenges.

Brooke said...

Oh my goodness, Lindsey! I haven't checked your blog in so long... I am WAY out of the loop. Congrats on baby Mason- I'm so sorry about how hard it has all been for you. So glad he's home! I'm glad you have an awesome family for support, and also the Gospel. I will keep better tabs on you guys! Love you!