Monday, November 2, 2009

So Long Sparkles

Dear Sparkles,
We want to thank you for being such a great pet in the short amount of time we had you. We are so sorry! We don't know if it was the milk that was poured into your bowel or the banana and ranch Sophie so lovingly shared with you. We will miss you and sadly will have to replace you because of a very upset little girl. So long little friend!!!!


Darin and Joanna said...

That is so funny! Buy a Beta. I am wishing mine would die. It has been six months and counting that I have been able to clean out the fish bowl....oh the joys.

smithfamilymoments said...

We steered clear of the booth that gave out fish. You are such a nice mom! Good luck with your next ones.
Your girls look absolutely adorable in their costumes.!

whywalkwhenicanrun said...

We had a Sparkles, too. Olivia named him. He had a buddy she named Glue. Gotta love 4-year-olds. :)